Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Paradigm Shift
To change your circumstances in life you need a paradigm shift. You need to move from your old way of thinking and doing things. Thinking comes before doing, so you need a renewal of your thinking; a renewal of your mind and thoughts. A renewal means not putting a band-aid on bad thinking. It has to come from the inside- out and not from the outside- in. If it is outside- in thinking then we call this putting new wine in old wine skins. The new wine is not going to be preserved properly. It’s is going to be of new use. It is going to spoil.
As a leader you need to move from where you are if you need to change. Steven Covey says you cannot mix your leadership styles and approaches. It compounds your problems, because you have the look of what you should be or act the way you should but “fundamentally” your style is unchanged. He says you are now a wolf in sheep clothing.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Quantity Verses Quality
Ever heard how some people talk about how quality is more important than quantity. They are correct-however it depends on the context.
Quality is only good is you have the processes, structures and procedures bedded down. And, if the service, product, offering is out there and proven and tested. Or, you have done it before and you know what works and what doesn’t.
What if you have not gotten off the ground as yet? What if this is a new idea, new product, new creation, new innovation, new challenge, renewed project?
Then, don’t strive for quality first. Strive for quantity. Quantity gets you to practice while also increasing your chance of new outcomes happening which you did not even conceive. It may a revolution of your idea or success of your initial idea.
The problem is that we become disappointed, frustrated, give up prematurely, lose trust, make excuses because at the outset our focus is on quality. Too much pressure. You don’t need it.
It does not matter how you get there, as long as you are getting there.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
It's in your hand
The true testament of God’s powerful work in your life is not just what he got you out off, but what he kept you out off.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Playing the Devil's Advocate
Have you ever heard of the saying “ to play devil’s advocate”?
This definition below is and extract from Wikipedia.
“In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, just for the sake of argument. In taking such position, the individual taking on the devil's advocate role seeks to engage others in an argumentative discussion process.”
Now let’s side step and look at our daily lives. I have seen many people ruining possible social relationship’s, future employment, current employment and prospective customers by not understanding the sometimes unconscious use of “playing the devil’s advocate”.
Example- an employer “says” he is going to bring about some change in working hours, management structure, targets, attire and the employees go ballistic. They show this in body language, verbal responses and physical responses. Yet, if they had only played their cards right, they would have seen that the employer is open to feedback and consultation.
How many times have we come up with some brilliant idea or concept and had a family member “shooting” down the idea? The family member gave you alternative scenarios and options that you should look at or consider if you went through with your idea. They are just being realistic. But what are your feelings? You have no support and lose faith in that person. They were only playing the devil’s advocate.
I have seen this too many times with sales people-oh yeah I am from the sales background- where the customer gives the sales person a few “what if” scenarios. The sales person ruins the relationship and the sale by assuming that the customer does not want the product or would not sign on the dotted line.
The sales person thus changes his attitude; changes his pace of the presentation; gets distracted; is now no longer polite and this is all because of his misconception of the customer showing interest or wanting to negotiate.
So remember that next time someone says something, he may not believe in his proposition, but is advancing it for the sake of negotiations, alternatives, easy way out or for the sake of efficiency.
Live with Intention and not by accident.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Be good not more
Don’t be more than what you are, be good at what you are.
Don’t take on many tasks at once. Finish them one task at a time. This will ensure quality of work.
Don’t be a generalist; be a specialist. You will command a premium and better image.
In the Old Testament, in the Holy Bible, the book of Isaiah 54:2 speaks about enlargening your tent by stretching your curtain wide, lengthening your cords and strengthening your stakes.
It does not say get more tents.
Tony Zappos:Business is a Game
This snippet is from Toney Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos.
Everything I know about business I learned from poker:
Financials, strategy, education, and culture.
• The guy who wins the most hands is not the guy who
makes the most money in the long run.
• The guy who never loses a hand is not the guy who makes
the most money in the long run.
• Go for positive expected value, not what’s least risky.
• You will win or lose individual hands, but it’s what
happens in the long term that matters.
• Learn to adapt. Adjust your style of play as the dynamics
of the game change.
• The players with the most stamina and focus usually win.
• Hope is not a good plan.
• Stick to your principles.
• Never stop learning. Read books. Learn from others who
have done it before.
• Learn by doing. Theory is nice, but nothing replaces
actual experience.
• Just because you win a hand doesn’t mean you’re good
and you don’t have more learning to do. You might have
just gotten lucky.
• To become really good, you need to live it, breathe it, and
sleep it.
• Be nice and make friends. It’s a small community.
• Have fun. The game is a lot more enjoyable when you’re
trying to do more than just make money.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Response disclaimer
Following up with regard to the post yesterday, check this below. I found this as a side bar for an online marketing/ multi level marketing tips offer. It’s the same as saying that weight loss will vary from individual to individual.
Earnings Disclaimer: This is not a “get rich program” and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the content, strategies or techniques displayed here. Nothing in this presentation is a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, connections, dedication, business savvy, business focus, business goals, and financial situation. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in your life. For more information: |
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
You are different
Two seasons ago on American Idols a contestant sang her version of a famous pop song.
I can’t remember the song or original singer but I do remember what the one judge, Jennifer Lopez, had to say about the performance.
She acknowledged the contestant’s talent and went on to say that there are certain notes she needs to stay away from because she cannot reach them; or it will hurt her.
She is a professional and she has a choice. She can choose what will work and stay away from what will not. Not every note or style will work for her. She is unique.
This then got me to thinking about acting and reacting/ responding. I realized that everyone can act. We can all act out the same script, go through the same lines.
However the test comes when it is time to react. Let me paint a picture. I started my career at the 2nd best outsourced call center in South Africa as a telesales consultant new to telesales.
I knew about sales. I was in sales before. Face to face sales. But not telesales.
After the first few weeks I started to emulate a successful consultant. I did and said everything he did and said.
However I was not even half as successful as him.
I only found the reason later on in life.
First and foremost-we were not the same people. We both are affected by nuture and nature-his success may boil down to better time management, mature sense of empathy. We both react and respond differently. We come from different environments, cultures , backgrounds; have different years of experience. Different things shape us differently.
Also, nothing is set in concrete. What works for him may definitely not work for me.
Acting is similar to hearing while listening is to responding. Everyone ,who is able to, can hear. But not everyone can listen. Like how listening has got to do with attitude, perhaps responding also has to do with attitude. Perhaps responding and reaction has to do with passion. Pursuit of an act without passion or “want to” leads to being easily distracted, unfocused and distracted.
Be different. Start to innovate. Be creative because you are created by the creator.