Thursday, 31 May 2012

Leadership is not a position

The title and position of leadership or ‘leader’ does not make you a leader. It is not about the position. People can lead from any position. It is not a formal authority that you need to lead; it can be a moral authority. Y

True and effective leaders embrace their responsibilities; are accountable; and lead people by influence and not manipulation.


Here are some essential characteristics of true effective leaders. I call it the 4 ‘I”s.

1.       Inspire- ability to bring out the best in people. To be able to lead by example. To be able to be a role model, a mentor. To make an impression in a person’s life in a positive way. To be a source of encouragement.

2.       Ignite- to develop people, to get them excited about abilities and talents that they did not even know existed. To be creative as you get others to be creative. To be able to move out of and get others to move out of their comfort zones. To be innovative, creative and volcanic.

3.       Initiate- to carve an new path; to embrace a different perspective. To not wait to be asked. To be proactive; to take the initiative and go the extra mile. To take on tasks that are not even part of your job description.

4.       Interested- this is all about evolving. It’s about stretching your tents of skills, knowledge and interests. Don’t be stagnant. Always be moving forward.






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